What is stopping you?
This post will help you to help a friend move out of talking about their goals and into action to achieving them.
Consistently be all or something
What if you took one small action every day that moved you, at least in part, towards your goal? This consistent, all or something, attitude is something I have learnt in lockdown, thanks to Betty Rocker, and am really advocating for!
How do I increase my motivation and stop procrastinating?
The Oxford English Dictionary’s definitions of motivation and procrastination are:
Motivation means “a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way”
Procrastination means “the action of delaying or postponing something”
This blog post explores in more detail how to increase motivation and decrease procrastination.
You are going to die
Are you living as if you know you are going to die one day?
This blog post explores this thought in more detail, and what holds you back, to break this down, and ensure you start living the most awesome life possible for you!