5 types of imposter - which one are you?
In her book, The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, Valerie Young outlines five ways imposter syndrome feelings may emerge. I outline these in this latest blog post and share some ideas to help you reframe your thinking, if you identify with any of these.
Conditional V non-conditional confidence
When you struggle with imposter syndrome you often will experience conditional confidence but non-conditional confidence may be more useful to help you build self-worth and genuine self-confidence. This post explores the topic in more detail…
Do you realise how awesome you already are?
Convinced that you are going to be found out as a fraud some time soon? You are not alone! And the chances are your feelings are not reality. I would actually wager that you are awesome at what you are doing and the real work you need to concentrate on is your mindset and aligning your inner thoughts (what you are saying to yourself), to your outer world (what everyone else is seeing).
Once upon a time...
What are the stories you tell yourself? Are you aware of them? Are they true? Do they serve you?
Increasing your own self-awareness about what you are telling yourself, and then ensuring these thoughts, words and stories are true and empowering will help you reach your full potential in your life and your career.
How different would things be if you realised, appreciated and fully embraced your own awesomeness?
Let me tell you something - you are successful, talented and amazing! Now it is up to you if you feel this.