Psychometric Assessment Tools Lindsey Hood is accredited to use

  • Everything DiSC Certified Trainer

    A psychometric tool that helps deepen self-awareness by understanding where you get your energy from, how others may be different to you, and how to use this knowledge to improve your communication skills and create strategies to be able to show up as your best self in any work situation.

  • EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 Certified

    An assessment tool to measure emotional intelligence that provides you with a details of your areas of strength and potential areas for development. Emotional intelligence skills are critical for building relationships and teams, resolving conflict, solving problems, leading effectively and building resilience.

  • Strengthscope Master Accredited Practitioner

    A strengths assessment approved by the British Psychological Society. Identifying your strengths, the things that give you energy, and how to use these effectively allows you to embrace your uniqueness, show up authentically and achieve your full potential both at work and in your life.